30 min yoga
I did it again. Yoga On Demand. This will not become a habit. I can come up with numerous excuses why I didn’t go to a class tonight but it all boils down to I didn’t feel like it. At least I did a more challenging practice. My arms were shaking and I’m going to feel it tomorrow. So so sad. Moving on…
My title for this post sounds a little bleak, huh? I’ll explain…
I’ve been running for almost 10 years now and have not been injured (knock on wood). I swear. Sure I’ve had minor knee tweaks and twinges, but nothing that a little ice and 2 rest days couldn’t cure. I also don’t stretch after running, work on my core, cross-train, or strength train (do as I say, not as I do :)). I don’t want this to come across as bragging because I’m not. As a coach, I’m ashamed I don’t do these things. I just never have and that became a bad habit.
That being said, I am very conservative with my training (maybe too conservative). I watch my weekly mileage to ensure I’m not increasing it too fast. I also listen to my body; any twinges are immediately iced and, if needed, a rest/easy day is taken. Maybe these things have been my safety net so far. But I can’t shake the feeling that maybe I’m on borrowed time. The NJ Marathon will technically be my 3rd marathon in a year. I realize I’m asking a lot from my body, especially since I keep increasing the intensity of my training with each race. I’m terrified of injury so decided to take preventative steps this time around. And that’s where yoga comes in. Yoga has it all – stretching, core work, and strength training. So it’s worth it to me to decrease my running to 4 days/week this training cycle to allow for 2 days of yoga. I think (hope) the payoff will be great. Now if I could just get my butt to an actual yoga studio…
Does anyone know what time it is tonight? T-SHIRT TIME! Yes folks the Jersey Shore is back on tonight. Love it or hate it, you just can’t not watch!
Congratulations, Kristy! I was able to read through the entire running blog (all 3 @ school today) and LOVE it; you’re an entertaining writer! Keep the sweet pics comin’ – especially of your “fur baby”. LOL! I was happy to see the I Support Adoptions link here… Thanks for being so supportive! You’re the best!
Thanks Maria!