Run The Long Road turned 1 on 12/26! I missed the actual blogiversary but better late than never. I swore I wrote my first post on New Year’s Eve last year but nope…12/26.
I was so hesitant to start a running blog. I thought it would suck. I though it would be boring (well maybe it is). I thought I’d run out of things to write about by February. I was scared to lay it all out there. Splits, finish times, marathon goals, oh my. I wanted this blog to be honest. Running isn’t always rainbows and butterflies.
254 posts later, I would say Run The Long Road is probably in my “top ten” of the best things I’ve done. Wow, bold statement! I truly enjoy writing this blog, chronicling my training, and figure I’ll get a big kick out of it when I’m 50!
The best part is “meeting” so many amazing bloggers. I am constantly inspired by all of you and have learned so much this past year. I’m always overwhelmed by the pre-marathon support and post-marathon congrats. I love each and every comment (no haters…yet!). It means so much to me that people read RTLR and enjoy it – thank you!
I hope (soon) to re-vamp RTLR and move to the self-hosted I have to find someone to do this for me since this is way outside my realm of tech-savviness. If anyone has any recommendations, please pass them along!
Let’s talk about running. I’m still running, although I haven’t really blogged about it. I start Boston training on Monday, kicking off the New Year right! I’m doing a 15-week plan, but I’ve been “pre-training” for the past 5 weeks. I’m actually dropping back my mileage this week so my legs will be fresh come Monday. I’m excited. 3 1/2 months without a training plan is far too long.
I took a Barre class at 6AM this morning. I will admit that is slightly insane, given that I have off this week. I went to a new place that is way cheaper ($17 per class vs. $23) and closer to my house. I plan on going to the 6AM class on Wednesdays before work. So today I scoped it out so I could be all prepared for next week. This class was more ballet-centric, which I prefer. I feel like I’m getting the hang of it but it still kicks me to the curb.
I’m going to start doing a few planks a day, inspired by Cindi. I doubt I’ll ever rock a 6-pack but I’d be happy with a 4-pack…or 2-pack?
If you are a blogger, why did you start blogging?
Wanna join me in a (few) planks a day?
Happy anniversary!
I started blogging when Brent and I left on a six-week summer road trip. The year before, when we were backpacking through Italy, I wrote letters to friends and family (some in my head and some on paper) about our adventures, and a couple friends suggested I turn that writing into a blog instead. Three and a half years later, we’re still adventuring and I’m still writing!
Getting an expert to help with WP is great when you know your limits. I did it 90% on my own and for the most part it has worked out really well. My advice would be when you make the switch do it during a low traffic time, ie. weekend or holiday. And then test your new RSS feed before telling readers where to go.
Also make your readers aware of the changes so you don’t lose anyone! All too often I’ve seen bloggers jump into using WP self-hosted and really screw up their RSS feed and lose folks.
Good luck!
P.S. Might be easier for you as you are using the free WP right now. I was on Blogger so my transition was a little more crazy.
Thank you Holly – this is very helpful!
Happy Blogiversary! I love your blog, and have never found it boring. I started blogging because I was always reading blogs, and my husband kept saying I should write one….and now I agree with you, it’s been an amazing experience. Sure, I’ll do a few planks a day. How many?
PS Your DVD is done! It will be in the mail soon!
You’re awesome! Thanks so much for the DVD!
As for the planks…whatever! Just a few – side ones too! You can see I put great thought into this 😉
Happy blogiversary! I started to keep myself accountable with training, I didn’t really know if people would read or not. I’m up for some planks, my bootcamp class is over for a few weeks so I need some other motivation to keep doing core stuff.
Happy one year! I, for one, am happy you started blogging because who on earth would take on training this lump of flesh over here?
Planks make me cry – perhaps that’s because my how-ever-many pack is buried. LOL
I started blogging very irregularly about 4 years ago but started writing more often about a year and half ago. It’s so nice to look back and remember what I was doing 2 or 3 years ago and see how much has changed.
Come the middle of March, I will TOTALLY do daily planks with you. Totally.
Ugh. I’ve thought about self-hosting. But I am way scared of all the work! Maybe someday.
Happy anniversary! I always enjoy reading your blog and look forward to posts during your Upcoming Boston training.
I always need to do more core work so I will certainly join you in planking… please motivate me!!!
I definitely want to get on the plank bandwagon. I had been doing them 2x a week in my weights class, but need them daily, I think.
Happy Blogiversary!
Happy blogiversary!!!! I love that we started around the same time. My first post was a ear ago today but I’m counting from the day it was created 🙂 so glad we found each other! Looking fwd to hearing about your Boston training – so exciting!
Happy blogiversary! I’m glad you started blogging 🙂 I totally agree too, blogging is definitely one of the best things I’ve done recently! Excited for you to officially start Boston training! Hooray!
Happy blogoversary! I don’t think you’re ever boring, but then again I love to read about running. 🙂
Can’t wait to hear about your Boston training!
Happy Blogiversary!!! I’m so glad I found you on here. Your posts have been so inspirational and any time I’m feeling less motivated to hit the pavement, I come and visit you and remember why I love running so much! I can’t wait to read about Boston.
I started blogging because I wanted to document my workouts. I’ve had my blog since ’09 but was never consistent with posting. In ’08 I was using blogspot. The only reader I had was my husband and he would use an alias each time so it looked like I had more readers. I think I had Enrique Diaz, Benson Meade, and others. Very kind of him, but yeah, my only fan.
happy blog birthday! i started blogging as a way to share my training for my first marathon with people who were supporting the charity I was running for. I read a few other runners blogs but didn’t really “participate” in blogland until fairly recently. So far it has been great. No haters yet either! haha! It is funny because I started blogging about a month after I started running. I don’t really know running without blogging!!! weird.
I’d be happy to join you in planks! I am supposed to be doing my strength training, but I have been failing!!!
Oh goodness, I am SO down for some planks. After many many many weeks of holiday cookies and christmas cocktails, I am feeling a little squishy in the core. I’ll try for one 60-minute plank a day at first and then work up from there…
Happy blog-o-versary!
Happy blogiversary!!! And congrats on officially starting your Boston training, I can’t wait to hear about it!!!
I am really interested in switching to WP too and am trying to figure out the differences between the .com and .org and I find it much more difficult to navigate. So I am still in the beginning stages of figuring out if I want to do it and what’s involved….I might hit you up for some more questions about it 🙂
happy happy blogiversary! switching to self-hosting was the most painful blog related thing that i have done but so worth it! good luck!
Happy blogiversary! It’s amazing how these little diaries of ours become so important in our lives. Good luck w/ switching to self-hosting.
Yay for boston training! It feels like it’s starting to get close, you know?
I hope you celebrated with a cupcake! I started blogging so I could write out my running frustrations, fears, doubts, goals, successes, etc.
Yay, happy blogiversary! I love your blog and am very happy to have found it! I am super excited to read all about your Boston training!
Nice work getting up so early on VACATION and taking that barre class! I hope we can run together some day in 2012! 🙂
Me too!!!!