The weather in Philly was gorgeous this weekend.
Perfect running weather. Although I didn’t run a single step.
We went out both Friday and Saturday night and I had brunch with friends on Sunday morning. Late nights, drinks, and long runs do not mix well at my age. A constant reminder why a social life is best saved for the off season.
I say this often but it is worth repeating. When your body is screaming for rest, it’s best to listen. When I wake up and have no desire to run, I know it’s time to stay in bed and sleep. And so I did. Saturday and Sunday. Until 10:00AM. I think the last time I slept that late was college.
Not running long does have its perks. It’s nice to lounge in bed, wake up slowly, have breakfast, watch TV, and not be tired by 12PM. Your legs aren’t sore, they don’t crack and pop going down the stairs, you’re not wearing compression sleeves, not peeing every 1/2 hour, and don’t eat everything in sight.
It’s nice for a weekend. Only a weekend.
We spent most of Saturday outside at the dog park. Hawk enjoyed himself.
What’s the biggest perk to NOT running long on the weekend (on the rare occasion you don’t do a long run)? I would have to say it’s the sleeping in without an alarm and having a leisurely morning.
I am always amazed at the extra time to do errands, go shopping, go out for breakfast. I’m always thinking “So this is what normal people do on a Saturday morning”!
I just did that today! I had planned a run and slept in til 10am instead! I needed it 🙂
This is so funny, because I had the same day today. I woke up prepared to run, but when the time came to get dressed, I just didn’t feel like it either. I agree, when you need a day of rest, you have to go with it. You’re right about having so much more time to do things and not being tired and stiff. I laid around all day and caught up on episodes of Dexter!
hooray for sleeping in! That’s amazing. I plan on taking a full week off after NYCM and am jazzed. No alarm setting, plans with friends, not being super exhausted… it will be nice 🙂 Also, I love Hawk.
Looks like beautiful weather! Yesterday was gorgeous here in Ann Arbor, too. I did do a long run yesterday, but I’d have to say the best part of not running long on a weekend is not having an entire day eaten up by it! When I run long, especially if I go in the morning, I pretty much have to devote my whole day to it. Get up, eat, wait around anxiously for two hours, run, eat, nap, wake up and eat again, and then of course I can’t do any homework because that’s not relaxing enough for recovery! 😛 I did my long run Sunday afternoon this week, though, and I was actually quite productive for a long running day! (Historically I have gone Saturday mornings.)
Right now that weekend sounds pretty tempting! Long runs are great, but you listed all the downsides perfectly. Especially the peeing every half hour. I’m looking forward to going to bed without setting that alarm!
we flew in to philly and then drove up to Runner’s World and you are so right, I just kept saying repeatedly IT IS SO PRETTY!! I think the people I was with wondered if I had ever seen a tree before 🙂
Hawk looks like he is loving the park!
I think my house is at least 200% cleaner when I don’t run long on the weekends 🙂
Great pics! I am so looking forward to post-marathon when I can enjoy a weekend of sleeping in, eating what I want, and not feeling guilty about it. It’s that last one that’s the biggest perk!
This was the first weekend of the off-season for me and it was SO NICE! Slept until I woke up both mornings (which was only 7:30/8 AM, but it felt good not to set an alarm) and just enjoyed the lack of obligations. I ended up meeting a friend for a handful of miles on Sunday afternoon, but only because the weather was so nice and we both felt like being out. Loved running for fun and not for training!
Beautiful pics, Kristy!!! Your dog is soooo cute. I love him! You look so pretty, too! Good for you for having a nice, restful weekend! I myself did not run this weekend either… but that is because of a nasty stomach bug. 🙁 I am actually trying not to freak out bcs I missed the window for a last long run before NYCM. Sigh… 🙁
You definitely deserve a break! And I’m a big fan of listening to your body when it’s calling for rest. WIsh I could get my husband to do the same…. I love breakfast and brunch and that’s my biggest perk to not running – getting to indulge in pancakes or whatever else sounds good and staying in my PJs and lounging around – LOVE those morning! But….also love the post-long-run feelings 🙂
DEFINITELY sleeping in without an alarm! Hands down.
It really was a beautiful weekend and we also try to take advantage of it. I love this time of the year. You really do need to respect your body and listen to it. It’s the only body you have and you’re going to have it forever!!!! I love that you don’t push yourself — it’s an off season for a reason.
What’s next on the race schedule? Is it just fun runs till the end of the year?
I did something on the hush-hush. I registered for the Shamrock marathon in VA beach in March. I didn’t even tell P yet. I always consult him on these things. I figured, let me wait till after NYC. HA.
I have a kiddo, so sleeping in just doesn’t happen. Ever. Sounds like an awesome weekend though!
Spending more downtime with my husband and kids is the best thing about not running long. December should be a good month for that this year!