60 min yoga
Snowstorm #86 brought a ton of snow. All in all, I think we got around 15-16 inches. I wanted to get some easy miles in today but decided to hold off on that until Sunday when I’ll have access to a plowed trail. So instead I went to RYAH for a lunchtime vinyasa class. The class was OK but the teacher kept saying “mm hmm” the whole time. I noticed it early on and became fixated on it…then it began to drive me crazy.
“Downward facing dog to high plank, mm hmm”
“Breathe in, flat back, mm hmm”
“Hold it right there for 1 more breath, mm hmm”
Ahhh! Make it stop!
Thankfully she refrained from “mm hmm” during savasana.
Moving on to running-related stuff…
I have a 20-miler tomorrow…yeah! This is my first of 5 (yikes) 20-milers. I usually do 4 during a training cycle so 5 should be interesting.
A few weeks ago I bought a Tiger Tail Rolling Muscle Massager to help with some of the tightness in my right hamstring (which, thanks to yoga, has all but went away). I really like it. I use it on my hamstrings after my runs and I find it more effective than stretching.
I took some pre-yoga pics today to show you how I use it (because it’s so difficult to figure out).