8 miles (4 at tempo) / 1:09 / 8:37 avg pace
2 miles @ 7:44 — 8:02, 7:39
2 miles @ MP — 8:42, 8:32
“If you keep doing the same thing, you’ll get the same results”. So very true when it comes to training for a marathon. So what will I do differently with this training cycle? For starters, it’ll be more challenging. I’m still using the FIRST training plan with the following modifications:
Increase overall mileage
Since NJM was only a month ago I still have a good base built up and plan to build on top of that (starting at ~40 miles per week and going from there). I’d like to max out at 60 mpw, but not sure if that is possible. We’ll see. So in addition to 3 hard runs (speed, tempo, long), I’ll be adding 2 easy runs to get my miles in.
Switching between hill repeats and track workouts
When I trained for Steamtown, I did lots of hilly runs and I felt so strong. For NJM, I concentrated on flat and fast. Both worked well for me but I want to combine the two for the Leigh Valley Marathon. I need speed in order to BQ and I need hill repeats so I can maintain my marathon pace over hills. So one week I’ll hit the track for intervals and the next week I’ll hit the hills for repeats.
Trail running
Since 12 miles of the Leigh Valley Marathon will be on a trail, I need to be able to maintain a fast pace on gravely terrain. I’m going to try and do my tempo runs on a trail.
Still aiming for yoga at least once a week and maybe (gasp!) some strength training.
Long runs – some fast and some slow
Usually I do my long runs pretty close to my goal marathon pace. I still plan on doing some of them but I also plan on slowing down my pace every now and then.
Hopefully all of this will lead me to a BQ in September!